The annual Occoquan Peep Show is coming up March 26-30 and one of our favorite parts of the show is the community contest, where the public can make and enter their diorama! If you're new to the concept of PEEP dioramas, here are some tips to spark your creativity and make the process a little easier:
1. Dry out your PEEPs
Marshmallows by nature are squishy and sticky. Great for eating maybe, but soft/fresh PEEPs are harder to mold or glue to your display. Let your PEEPs dry out for a week or two and work with the stale ones. They'll be easier to cut the bottoms to make them level, or pierce with a wire to hang/straighten.
2. Size of the box
Think about the size of the box you're using for your diorama. Does it fit everything you need into it? Is the scale of the PEEPs versus their surrounding important to you and if so, is there enough space to keep everything to scale?
3. Sticking it together
Hot glue works great for the peeps and added decor elements of paper, plastic, etc. Stale PEEPs do work better with hot glue (see tip #1).
4. Standing them up
Toothpicks can be helpful to get your PEEPs stuck into place or to have them "hold" something in front of them.
5. Don't forget the backgrounds
The back of the inside of your diorama (and the two sides) should enhance and add to your scene. Use paint or find images online to print out and glue to the inside of your diorama.
6. Paint your peeps!
Can't find the perfect PEEP color and yellow isn't working for you? Paint them! A brush with acrylic paint works well, or paint pens. Be sure they're stale and dried out for this process.
7. Pick a theme
There are tons of themes to choose from. Pick something that sounds like fun to make (you'll be more invested if you're having a great time making it!).
Don't forget to join us March 26-30, 2024 for the annual Occoquan Peep Show!